
Creator and wearer of bold spectacles.

Award-winning director of Eddie (2016), Crackle Pop (2018) and Deathcember (2020).

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Deathcember (2020)

Director of segement Cracker for the 2020 horror feature anthology Deathcember, a collection of 24 films that take a look at the dark side of the festive season produced by Epic Pictures.

USA Today

“A yuletide family dinner that’ll give you the willies”

Ready Steady Cut

Cracker, directed by John Cook Lynch, is 1950’s style, pastel-colored sci-fi; almost a homage to Philip K Dick or X Minus One. I can’t think of many other films that are tense, shocking, and adorable.”

The Scariest Things

“John Cook Lynch’s brilliant British offering “Cracker,” […] combines constantly heightening suspense with wicked humor!”
